The Bike Pack for iPhone from Wahoo includes a weatherproof phone case that incorporates an ANT+ transceiver, a speed and cadence sensor and an iOS fitness app - transforming the smartphone into a bike computer
Many people now carry a powerful computer around with them wherever they go that can feed them the latest dose of gossip, keep them in constant touch with loved ones and can even guide a user from one place to another using GPS technology. Smartphones like the iPhone can also be used as cycling computers, offering the same kind of workout information produced by dedicated devices (like the Garmin Edge 500), but with all that useful multimedia and communications technology thrown into the pot too. The Bike Pack for iPhone from Wahoo includes a weatherproof case to protect the device, a proprietary fitness app, and a wireless speed and cadence sensor - all for a fraction of the cost of the Garmin device.
Wahoo's Bike Pack is even a good deal cheaper than the suggested retail price ofiBike Dash CC, which we featured last year. The Pack has a water- and shock-resistant case that allows for full touchscreen access, and includes rubber liners that make a snug fit for the iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4 and 4S. The case can be mounted on the handlebars of your bike courtesy of a quick release bracket that can be adjusted to portrait or landscape orientation.
The case's built-in ANT+ radio transceiver wirelessly links an iPhone to the supplied Premium Speed and Cadence Bike Sensor featuring ANT+ AP2 ultra low power technology with 2.4 GHz ISM band operation. The sensor can be modified to fit recumbent bikes, is capable of sending and receiving signals from up to 10 feet (3.04 meters) away and is waterproof to a depth of 5 feet (1.52 meters). The transceiver is also said to be compatible with any ANT+ fitness measuring device, allowing users to extend monitoring to such things as distance, heart rate, power, course, blood pressure, and more.
The Bike Pack benefits from a microUSB port for charging and data connection, and comes with the free Wahoo Fitness app (but is also compatible with over 100 third party fitness apps for iOS). It's priced at US$149.99.
Have a look at the following (very unscientific, and completely unintentional) crash test of the Bike Pack.
Source: Wahoo Bike Pack for iPhone
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