Stäubli's RPE Coupling for Automotive Freon
Applications Stäubli Corporation  Stäubli, a leading manufacturer of high-quality quick disconnects, is pleased to offer you our standard RPEproduct range.
This coupling is designed to charge your air conditioning system with R134A fluids.
Our globally-proven design features the following:
• Two flow diameters: RPE 11 and RPE 14 to meet the
SAE J 639 standards
• Raised push button for better ergonomics; connection
and disconnection with only one hand
• Identification of circuits through color-coded rings
(blue and red)
We also offer RPEs for SAE J 2044 fuel connections and custom profile solutions. Visit our Web site to learn more. | Have You Had Your First Look at SolidWorks?
Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.  Add a new dimension to your designs with SolidWorks 3D Design Software.
Intuitive design tools and a heads-up user interface give you power and speed to quickly move from 2D sketches to a virtual 3D product.
Your realistic model looks and functions just like it will in the real world. Program commands let you make precise adjustments, and instant 3D technology gives you real-time feedback. And when your design is complete, quickly create detailed 2D drawings to get to manufacturing.
See how SolidWorks 3D CAD can help streamline your design. |
Extreme Conditions. Extreme Performance.
No Kidding. DuPont™ Krytox® Performance Lubricants  | Register for Certificate Issuers' Accreditation
Workshop American National Standards Institute, Inc.  Register for Certificate Issuers' Accreditation Workshop. This workshop is an introduction to the American National Standard ASTM E2659-09 and the requirements for developing a quality education/training course that has an assessment at the end to determine if the learning outcomes have been achieved.
The workshop is being held on December 8-9, 2011 in Washington, DC.
Cost: $895.
Learn more... |
Confocal Displacement Sensors for Extreme Accuracy Micro-Epsilon  Using Micro-Epsilon's revolutionary technology, the new optoNCDT2401 confocal displacement sensors can measure any target — opaque or transparent, liquid or solid — with the highest precision. Profiling of curved specular or transparent targets is possible. The extreme small consistent spot size enables measurements with microscopic resolution. These sensors are available in standard and worldwide unique miniaturized design. Confocal sensors measure on many different surfaces with different reflection properties and are used for one-sided thickness measurement. |
Developers Tout Molecule-size Motor  Looking for a compact motor? Here's one that will fit into the tightest spots. Measuring just 1 nm wide, the single-molecule motor described in this Drives & Controls story is 60,000x thinner than a human hair and 200x smaller than the next smallest molecular machine.
More from Motors… | Lightweight Wheels  |
LizardSkin TT Printable Labels Resist Harsh
Elements Advanced Barcode & Label Technologies, Inc.  Print variable data labels in-house without worrying about oil, grease, and solvents affecting your print. ABLT has developed a labeling system designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions. LizardSkin Thermal Transfer printable labels, when combined with our custom formulated TT ribbon, give variable data lasting durability. ABLT can provide blank or preprinted labels, allowing you to print custom barcodes or identification data in-house. Let ABLT'slabel engineers walk you through a customized label solution to solve your label needs. | Innovative Plastomer and Elastomer Solutions
Dow Elastomers  Dow Elastomers offers a broad lineup of specialty materials and performance elastomers for automotive, adhesives, construction, and consumer products. Dow has the technology and customer focus to design the solution you need to differentiate yourself in the marketplace. Tap Dow's technical expertise and personalized support to discuss applications that meet the differentiated needs of your customers, or visit our answer center to learn more. |
Chip-proof Cable Carrier igus® inc.  |
VPAC™ Valve Leak Detection and Quantification Systems MISTRAS NDT  Approved for use in EPA's GHGRP. MISTRAS' VPAC™ line of digital acoustic emission leak detectors correctly detect through-valve leaks, estimating the quantity of material leaking through the valve. The new VPAC™IIdetermines if valves are leaking, where they're leaking, and the rate they're leaking. Learn more about our VPAC™ line. |
New TX200H Series HART® Pressure Transmitter United Electric Controls Company  UE's TX200H smart pressure transmitter monitors and protects key assets while helping to reduce inventory and maintenance costs. Installation is simple using existing wiring. More info... | See Micro Second Detail Buried in Days of Data Cleverscope, Ltd.  Your system has intermittent faults but you can't find them? Use the Cleverscope CS328A-XS to stream days of data to disk, then find even µsec duration problems. More info... |
TE Connectivity — CII Relays Powell Electronics, Inc.  CII high-performance signal level and mid-range relays are designed to perform in a wide range of extreme environments in aerospace, military electronics, and commercial applications. More info... | Vieworks' High-performance Digital Cameras Vieworks  Vieworks' cameras incorporate the latest high-speed CCD technology available from Eastman Kodak Company and Sony. These cameras are ideal for aerial, military, industrial, and scientific market applications. More info... |
Miniature Motorized Needle Valve Beswick Engineering Co., Inc.  Beswick's miniature motor driven needle valve can be operated as an on-off or a modulating valve. It contains a high-resolution needle with 0.032 in. maximum orifice, and weighs only 32 g. More info... | Transformers and Coils Electromech, Inc.  Electromech is the leading supplier of custom innovative power conversion products, offering magnetic components, power supplies, and AC/AC and AC/DC, along with a wide range of battery chargers. More info... |
Perforated Metal — Custom Designs McKey Perforating Company, Inc.  McKey Perforating Company's engineers customize perforated parts to exact shape and hole configuration using complex tool gaging. When your engineering designs require perforated products, look to McKey as your production partner. More info... | Breakthrough in Portable Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Danatronics Corporation  Danatronics introduces the iFlaw™ digital ultrasonic flaw detector with a large, 7 in. sunlight-viewable completely touchscreen display. iFlaw™ can automatically rotate the screen from landscape to portrait formats. More info... |
Painting Plastic Without Waste  General Motors has partnered with FTS Technologies to change the way the company paints plastic auto parts, like door panels, without using a primer. The technology uses a robotic system, seen in this video, to alter the molecular surface of the part, making paint adhesion possible without primer. The process almost eliminates solid and liquid waste, and reduces air pollutants by 90%.
More from Plastics & Resins… | Form and Function of Future Communications  To get a sense of what future communications will be like, study the patents that pathfinders are pursuing. These signs foretell plans to move communications beyond conventional constructs. For example, tech watchers believe Apple will re-invent TV to include content-aware widgets (see video) to deliver services that augment programs you're watching. Experts also think the company plans to integrate projectors in its devices to display information on flat surfaces and to rely on voice identification to unlock functionality. These technologies and others are also driving a dramatic shift that blends the personal with the professional by creating untethered enterprise platforms.
More from Networking & Communications… |